ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Denomination (currency)

Do you know how people use money to buy things like toys or candy? Well, different countries have their own special kind of money with different pictures and colors on them. We call each different kind of money a different "denomination."

For example, in the United States, we have dollar bills with pictures of different presidents on them. We also have coins with pictures of animals like the nickel with the picture of Thomas Jefferson and the buffalo, the dime with the picture of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the torch, and the penny with the picture of Abraham Lincoln and the Lincoln Memorial.

Each denomination has a different value, which means that some are worth more than others. For example, one dollar is worth less than ten dollars. So, when we want to buy something, we need to give the person the right amount of money with the value that matches the price of what we want to buy.

And that's basically what a denomination is, different kinds of money with different values and pictures on them that we use to buy things.