ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Desire is when you really want something. It's like when you see a toy in the store and you really, really want it. That feeling inside you that says "I want that!" is desire.

Desire is kind of like hunger, but for things that aren't food. When you're hungry, you really want to eat something, and when you desire something, you really want to have it.

Sometimes desire can be good, like when you really want to learn a new skill, or when you desire to help others. But sometimes desire can be bad, like when you desire something that's not good for you, or when you want something so badly that you'll do anything to get it.

It's important to understand your desires and to make sure they're healthy ones. If you want something that's not good for you, like a candy bar before dinner, it's important to listen to your parents and make healthy choices. And if you want something that's really important to you, like making new friends, it's important to work hard and be kind to others, so you can achieve your desire in a way that's good for you and for others around you.