ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Destiny is kind of like having a plan for what you want to do when you grow up. Think about it like this: When you're older, you might want to become a doctor, a teacher, a firefighter, or anything else you might be interested in. When you have a plan like this, it helps guide the choices you make throughout your life.

Destiny is like a big-picture plan for your entire life. Some people believe that everyone has a destiny, or a purpose for being here on Earth. It's kind of like a divine plan or a blueprint for the way your life will unfold. Some people believe that you can find out what your destiny is by listening to your inner self or by following signs that the universe sends you.

Of course, not everyone believes in destiny, and that's okay too! Some people believe that we make our own destiny by the choices we make every day. If you work hard, make good choices, and follow your dreams, you can create your own destiny.

Basically, destiny is about having a plan or a purpose for your life, whether you believe that plan comes from within yourself or from some outside force. Whatever you believe, it can be a helpful way to guide your choices and make sure you're living the life you want!