ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Devi is a Hindu term that refers to the divine, female energy or power that is associated with the goddesses in Indian mythology. Think of it like princess power! Just like how a princess has special powers and strength, the goddesses in Hinduism have their own unique powers and strength that are often related to specific qualities or attributes, like love, wisdom, or strength. These goddesses are called Devi, which means "goddess" in Hindi.

Devotees of Hinduism believe that by worshiping these Devi goddesses, they can receive blessings, guidance, and protection in their personal lives. They also believe that Devi is one of the supreme energies of the universe and that she represents the ultimate reality that exists beyond the physical world. So, think about it, when you want to ask for something really badly, you might pray to Devi!

Overall, Devi is a super important concept in Hinduism that represents the power, energy, and wisdom of the goddesses. It is a symbol of the strength of female power and also represents an important path towards spiritual enlightenment.