ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever noticed how your clothes get dirty after you wear them for a while? Well, back in the olden days, people didn't have washing machines like we do now. They had to wash their clothes by hand! And that's where the dhobi comes in.

A dhobi is someone who washes clothes for a living. They are like superheroes for your clothes! They take all your dirty clothes, put them in water with soap, and scrub them really really hard to get rid of all the dirt and smell.

After that, they rinse the clothes with clean water and let them dry in the sun. This makes your clothes smell fresh and clean again.

Dhobis work hard every day to make sure people have clean clothes to wear. They are very important in places where people don't have washing machines and need someone to help them keep their clothes clean.

So, next time you put on a clean shirt or pants, you can thank the dhobi for making that happen!
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