ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Differential TTL

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about differential TTL. First, we need to understand what TTL is. TTL stands for "transistor-transistor logic" which is a type of electronic circuit that helps transmit signals and information between different devices like computers or phones.

Now, differential TTL is a specific type of TTL that uses two signals instead of just one to communicate information. It's like having two people talking instead of one - it can help make the conversation clearer and easier to understand.

Think about when we play a game of telephone, where we whisper a message from one person to the next. Sometimes, by the time the message gets to the end, it's become jumbled or hard to understand. But if we had two people whispering the message at the same time, it might be easier to hear and understand.

That's basically what differential TTL does - it sends two signals instead of one to help make sure the information being transmitted is clear and accurate. It's like having two whispering friends making sure the message gets across loud and clear!