ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Digital Audio Broadcasting

Digital audio broadcasting, or DAB, is like a magic radio that uses special technology to make the sound you hear really clear. Instead of relying on regular radio waves, DAB uses digital signals that carry information in special code.

It's like a secret language that only certain radios can understand. When you tune in to a DAB radio station, it's like you're speaking that secret language too, so you can hear the music and talk shows and news very clearly.

The way DAB works is like this: instead of sending one big block of sound waves over the air like regular radio does, DAB sends tiny packets of digital code that your radio then decodes and puts back together into the music or talk show or whatever you're listening to.

Because it's digital, it means that the signal can be compressed and more efficiently transmitted from the broadcast tower to your radio, which is why DAB can have more stations than regular radio.

So, imagine you're playing with Lego blocks. Each little piece of the music or speech you're listening to is like a different Lego piece, and DAB radio takes all those little pieces and puts them together to make the whole thing. And because DAB is better at putting those pieces together, it makes the sound you hear from the radio really clear and easy to understand.
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