ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Diseases of the honey bee

Honey bees are little insects that work very hard to make delicious honey. They live in hives and work together to keep everything running smoothly. However, sometimes honey bees can get sick, just like people can.

There are many different diseases that can affect honey bees. Some of the most common diseases are caused by tiny little germs called bacteria and viruses. These germs can make the honey bees feel sick, weak, and unable to do their jobs properly.

One of the most common diseases that honey bees get is called American Foulbrood. This disease is caused by bacteria that can live in the honey bee's hive. When the bees eat the bacteria, they can get very sick and even die. This disease is very contagious and can spread quickly from bee to bee.

Another disease that honey bees can get is called Nosema. This disease is caused by a tiny little parasite that lives in the bee's stomach. When the bee eats the parasite, it can make the bee feel very weak and unable to work properly. This disease can also spread quickly from bee to bee.

There are many other diseases that honey bees can get, but the important thing to remember is that bees can get sick just like people can. It is important to take care of bees and make sure that they live in healthy environments to help prevent these diseases from spreading. Farmers, beekeepers, and scientists are working hard to find new ways to keep bees healthy and safe so they can continue to make delicious honey for us to eat.