ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Disjoint discs property

Imagine you have a lot of circles (or discs) of different sizes. The disjoint discs property basically means that these circles don't overlap or touch each other at any point. They are like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together without any gaps or overlaps.

To understand this property, let's consider an example. Let's say you have three circles - one big, one medium, and one small. The big circle is yellow, the medium circle is green, and the small circle is red.

Now, imagine you want to arrange these circles on a table in such a way that none of them touch or overlap each other. The disjoint discs property means that you need to find a way to place these circles on the table so that no two circles are touching.

To do this, you might start by placing the big yellow circle in the center of the table. Since it is the biggest, it will take up the most space. Next, you can place the medium green circle somewhere on the table, making sure it doesn't touch the big yellow circle.

Finally, you can place the small red circle in another spot, making sure it doesn't touch either of the other circles. Now, if you look at the table, you will see that all three circles are separate and don't touch each other anywhere.

This is an example of the disjoint discs property - it means that you can arrange circles in such a way that they don't overlap or touch each other if you arrange them carefully. This property is important in many areas of mathematics, especially in geometry and combinatorial mathematics.