ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever been in class and your teacher said something you didn't agree with, but you didn't feel like you could say anything? Well, a dissenter is someone who speaks up when they don't agree with something, even if it's unpopular or not allowed.

It's kind of like going against the flow of everyone else. Imagine a bunch of fish swimming together in a school, but one fish decides to swim in the other direction. That fish is a dissenter.

Sometimes, people who dissent can get in trouble or face consequences for their actions or words. But they believe in what they are saying or doing, and feel that it's important to stand up for what they believe in.

So if you ever feel like something isn't right, remember that you can be a dissenter too and speak up. It's important to use our voices and not just go along with what everyone else is saying or doing.