ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Distillation column

Imagine you have a big jar full of water and some dirt. You want to clean the water, but you can't just take the dirt out because it's too small to see with your eyes. So what can you do?

Well, you can use a special machine called a distillation column. It's kind of like a big tower with lots of floors.

You pour the dirty water into the bottom of the tower and heat it up. This turns the water into steam, which rises up through the tower.

As the steam moves up the tower, it cools down and turns back into water droplets. But not all of the droplets are clean yet.

On each floor of the tower, there are special trays that catch the water droplets. The trays have tiny holes in them, which only let some of the water droplets through.

The water droplets that get through the holes and onto the next floor are a little bit cleaner than before. And this keeps happening on each floor until eventually, the water droplets are so clean that they're able to leave the top of the distillation column as pure, clean water.

So, just like that, the dirt has been removed and the water is clean and pure. That's what a distillation column does!