ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Distress radiobeacon

A distress radiobeacon is a device that sends out a signal to tell people if someone is lost or in danger. It's like a big alarm that goes off when something bad happens. The signal lets people know where the person is and how to find them.

There are two main types of distress radiobeacon: one that's worn by a person, like a watch or a bracelet, and one that's put on a boat or a plane. If someone is lost or in trouble while they're wearing the beacon, they can press a button to activate the device. If they're in a boat or a plane, the beacon will start sending out a signal automatically if there's an emergency, like if the boat or plane sinks or crashes.

The signal from a distress radiobeacon can travel very far, even up to hundreds of miles away. The signal is picked up by satellites in space, which then send a message to people on the ground who can come and rescue the person in trouble.

Distress radiobeacons are important because they can help save people's lives. They're like a superhero's call for help, asking other heroes to come and save the day.