ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Distressing means something makes us feel really, really bad. Sometimes, things happen in our lives that are sad or scary or make us feel worried. When we feel distressed, we may cry or feel anxious or angry.

Imagine that you are playing with your favorite toy and it accidentally breaks. You might feel very sad and start to cry because you loved that toy so much, and now it's broken. That's distress.

Or, imagine you are about to give a speech in front of a lot of people, and you start to feel really nervous and scared. That nervousness you feel is a sign of distress.

Distress is a feeling that we have when something we don't like happens, and it can affect us in different ways. It's important to talk to someone we trust when we feel distressed, to help us feel better and to make sure we are safe.
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