ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Distributed object

Okay, so imagine you have a toy that you really like playing with, but your friend lives far away and also wants to play with the same toy. Normally, you would have to give the toy to your friend so they can play with it, and you wouldn't be able to play with it anymore.

But with a distributed toy, you can share it with your friend without actually giving it away. It's like having two copies of the same toy that can both be played with at the same time.

This is kind of like what happens with distributed objects in computers. A program can create an object, which is kind of like a special toy that can do certain things like add numbers together or show pictures. Normally, if another program wants to use that object, the first program would have to physically give it to the other program, which would mean the first program couldn't use it anymore.

But with distributed objects, both programs can have a copy of the object that can do the same things. This means both programs can use the object at the same time, and they can even work together to make things happen.

Think of it like having two toy cars that both have remote controls, but both remote controls can control both cars. So one person can drive one car while the other drives the other car, but they can still talk to each other and work together to race their cars.

So basically, a distributed object is like a special toy that can be shared and used by different programs without one program losing it completely.