ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ditransitive verb

There are some special words called "verbs" that we use when we want to say what someone is doing. A ditransitive verb is a fancy way of saying a word that can have two things happening to it.

For example, let's use the word "give." When we say "I gave the present to my friend," we use the verb "give," and we are doing two things: we are giving something (the present) and we are giving it to someone (my friend). That's what makes "give" a ditransitive verb, because it has two things happening at the same time.

Other examples of ditransitive verbs include "lend," "show," and "tell." These words are special because they need two objects to make sense - the thing being given or done, and the person or thing it is being given or done to. So next time you hear one of these special verbs, remember that it means two things are happening at the same time!