ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Diving suit

A diving suit is like a special outfit that people wear when they want to go underwater. It's like wearing warm clothes when you go outside in the winter, but instead of keeping you warm, it keeps you safe and dry when you're in the water.

The diving suit has different parts that work together to protect you. The suit itself is usually made of a thick, waterproof material called neoprene. It covers your whole body to keep you warm and to protect your skin from things that might hurt you in the water, like sharp rocks or jellyfish.

There are also things called boots and gloves that go on your hands and feet to keep them warm and protected too. These are usually made of the same material as the suit.

The most important part of the diving suit is probably the air tank. This is a big, metal tank that you wear on your back. It's filled with compressed air that you can breathe through a hose and a mask that covers your nose and mouth. This allows you to stay underwater for longer because you don't have to keep coming up to breathe.

Another important part is the weight belt. This is a belt that you wear around your waist with heavy weights on it. It helps you sink down into the water and stay at the right depth so you can explore whatever you're looking at.

So, in short, a diving suit is a special outfit that you wear to protect yourself from the water and help you breathe when you're exploring underwater.