ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Divje Babe Flute

Imagine you find a long, skinny stick that's just the right size to blow into like you're blowing up a balloon. But instead of it sounding like a balloon, you hear a beautiful sound that's both high and low at the same time! That's what happened to some people a very long time ago when they found a special stick called the Divje Babe flute.

The flute is made out of a bone that came from an animal, like a deer or a mammoth. The person who made it had to use a special tool to make little holes in the bone just the right size and in the right place to make different notes. When you blow into the end of the flute and cover some of the holes with your fingers, it changes the pitch of the sound you hear.

The Divje Babe flute is extra special because it was found in a special place called a cave. People think the flute is over 40,000 years old, which is older than your grandparents, your great-grandparents, and even your great-great-great-grandparents! That means the person who made and played the flute lived a very, very long time ago.

Even though we can't talk to the person who made the flute and find out what kind of songs they played, we can look at the flute and learn about how people used music a long time ago. Some people think they played music to celebrate things like the changing of the seasons or important events in their lives. And the special sound of the Divje Babe flute is a reminder that music has been important to humans for a very, very long time.