ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dollar voting

Have you ever been to a store to buy something and you had to decide which product to buy? You might have chosen a product that was more expensive because you liked it better, or maybe because it was made by a company that you trusted. Well, when you make a choice like that, you're actually participating in something called "dollar voting."

Dollar voting is a way that people can show what they care about by spending money. When you spend money on something, you're essentially saying "I support this product" or "I support this company." And the more people who spend money on something, the more important that thing becomes.

Let's say you really care about the environment, and you want companies to be more environmentally friendly. You might choose to buy products that are eco-friendly, even if they cost a little more. By doing this, you're showing companies that there is a demand for environmentally friendly products, and that they should make more of them.

On the other hand, if you don't like a product or a company, you can choose to not spend your money on them. If enough people do this, the company will start to realize that they're doing something wrong and they might have to change their ways.

So, in short, dollar voting is when people use their wallets to show what they care about. It's a way to influence companies and show them that if they want to be successful, they need to pay attention to what their customers want.