ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foot voting

Okay kiddo, do you know what voting is? It's when people choose their leaders or make decisions about important things by choosing between different options.

Now, foot voting is when people choose where they want to live or work based on their preferences just like how they vote. Instead of using a ballot or computer, they use their feet to walk to the place they want to be.

For example, if someone doesn't like the laws or the weather in their current city, they can move to another city or state where they feel like they fit in better.

Foot voting is important because it allows people to have a say in where they live and work. It also helps to keep governments and businesses accountable to the people they serve. If enough people don't like what a certain place is doing, they can and will leave, which can lead to big changes.

So, that's foot voting in a nutshell - it's like voting but with your feet instead of a ballot!