ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Domestic violence in India

Domestic violence in India is when someone in a home hurts or mistreats another person living in the same home. This usually happens when someone with more power (like an adult) abuses someone weaker (like a child or elderly person). It also usually involves physical or emotional abuse. Physical abuse could be someone hitting, pushing, or kicking their family member, and emotional abuse could be someone calling another person hurtful names or isolating them from other family members. Domestic violence is very wrong and it hurts the people involved very much. It is against the law in India and if someone is found guilty of domestic violence they could face jail time. It is important that children and other family members speak up if they are being hurt or if they know someone else who is being hurt. If a person is in danger, they should call the police or a support program to get help.