ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Domestic water system

Alright kiddo, a domestic water system is like your own personal water park inside your house. It brings clean and safe water from a source (like a well or water treatment plant) into your home so you can use it for drinking, bathing, washing clothes, and doing dishes.

At the heart of this system is a big water pipe that connects to your house from the water source. Water flows through this pipe and into a device called a water meter that helps measure how much water you use. From there, it goes into your home's main water supply line and is ready to use.

When you turn on a faucet or shower, water flows out because of a device called a water pressure regulator. This helps keep the water pressure just right so it doesn't shoot out too fast or too slow. And when you're done using water, it goes through a drain and out of your home.

But clean water doesn't just magically come from nowhere, right? That's why you have a device called a water heater that warms cold water so you can take nice warm showers or wash your hands with hot water. And if you want cold water, you can just use the water straight from the main supply line.

Overall, a domestic water system is a fantastic invention that makes sure you always have access to safe and clean water in your home. And now you know how it works!