ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Double scull

A double scull is a type of boat used for rowing with two people. It is called a "double scull" because there are two oars ("sculls") for each person.

Imagine you are sitting in a rowboat with a friend. Both of you have a stick with a flat part at the end called an oar. When you row, you hold the oar with your hands and push it through the water to make the boat move forward.

In a double scull, both people have two oars each. This makes it easier to move the boat faster and more efficiently. One person holds an oar with each hand, and they row together so they're always synchronized.

It takes a lot of teamwork to row a double scull correctly. If one person rows out of sync with the other, the boat won't move as quickly or smoothly. So, it's important to communicate with your friend and row at the same pace.

Double sculls are often used for racing and competitions. The team that rows the fastest and most efficiently wins!