ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Quad scull

A quad scull is a special type of rowing boat that is designed to carry four people who all row together at the same time. It looks like a long, skinny boat, but with four seats and four sets of oars that stick out the sides.

Each person sits facing the same direction, with their back to the front of the boat, and they hold onto their oars with both hands. The oars are long and narrow, with a flat paddle at the end that goes into the water to move the boat forward.

When the rowers are ready to start, they all push off from the dock together, and start rowing in sync with each other. They have to work together as a team, because if one person gets out of rhythm, it can throw everyone else off.

The goal is to move the boat as quickly as possible through the water, using a combination of strength, technique, and timing. The faster they row, the more they can feel the wind in their hair and the spray of the water on their face.

It can be a lot of hard work, but it's also a lot of fun, especially when everyone is rowing together perfectly and the boat is gliding smoothly across the water.