ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dramatic arts

Dramatic arts is when people pretend to be other people or animals on a stage or in a movie or TV show. They use their bodies and voices to show how the character is feeling and what they are doing. It's like playing dress up and making up stories, but it is more serious and people watch to see what happens next.

It's a bit like reading a book or watching a cartoon, but instead of reading or watching, people act it out in real life. They might have a script, which is like a special story that they practice and memorize, so they know what to say and do. They might also have costumes and props to make it even more fun and realistic.

Sometimes, people have to work really hard to get ready for a play or a movie. They have to practice and rehearse, which means doing it over and over again until they get it perfect. They also have to work together, like a team, to make sure everything looks good and the audience enjoys the show.

Overall, dramatic arts is a fun way for people to show their creativity and imagination while entertaining others.