ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dream Chaser (spacecraft)

Dream Chaser is a special kind of car that can fly all the way up into space! It's really cool because it looks like a little space shuttle. It has two wings that help it fly just like a bird, and a special tail that helps it stay stable when it's flying.

The Dream Chaser is made so that it can carry people and things into space, just like a car can take you from one place to another. But instead of driving on roads, the Dream Chaser gets launched up into space on top of a big rocket.

When it's flying up in space, the Dream Chaser can go really fast, just like when you ride on a rollercoaster. It's important that it doesn't go too fast or too slow, so scientists carefully control it from down on Earth.

Once the Dream Chaser gets to where it needs to go in space, it can land just like a normal airplane back on Earth. This is really important because it means that scientists can reuse the Dream Chaser again and again to travel to space, just like you can reuse your toy car to play with over and over.

Overall, the Dream Chaser is a really special car that can take people and things on exciting trips all the way to space and back.