ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dual-tone multi-frequency

Have you ever used a phone to make a call? You know how you press buttons on the phone to dial numbers? Each button you press plays a different sound. But did you know that these sounds have a special name? They are called "tones".

Now, imagine if you wanted to dial your friend's phone number, which is 555-1234. You would have to press each button to make the tone sound, right? Well, a long time ago, people didn't have buttons on their phones like we do now. Instead, they had a circular dial that they turned with their finger. As they turned the dial, it would make a sound that was like a tone.

But, what would happen if you needed to quickly call someone and didn't have time to turn the dial over and over again? That's where Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) comes in.

DTMF is a special technology that uses two different tones at the same time to make a sound that is unique to each button on a phone. For example, if you press the number "1" on your phone, it will make a special sound that is made up of two different tones - one low pitch and one high pitch. This unique sound is then sent through the phone lines to dial the phone number.

DTMF technology makes it easier and quicker to dial phone numbers because you can press the buttons on your phone and the DTMF system will turn those button presses into the special sound that corresponds to the number you dialed. It's like magic!