ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dublin Regulation

Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game of tag with your friends? Well, imagine if there was a rule that said if someone tags you, you can only go to a certain area to be "safe" and not be tagged again.

That's kind of like what the Dublin Regulation is all about. It's a rule that says if someone seeks refuge in a European Union (EU) country, they can only stay in that country or in another EU country that they first traveled through.

Why is that important? Well, it's to try to make sure that everyone who seeks refuge in the EU gets a fair chance to have their case heard and to make sure that one country isn't overwhelmed with too many refugees.

But sometimes, people don't want to stay in the country they were first in, maybe they have family in another country or they think their chances of being granted refugee status are better somewhere else.

So, the Dublin Regulation is often debated and there are some countries that follow it more strictly than others. But I hope that helps you understand what it's all about!