ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unaccompanied minor

An unaccompanied minor is a kid who is flying on a plane all by themselves without a grown-up to go with them. Just like how your mom or dad might take you to the park or grocery store and watch over you, grown-ups usually fly with kids to make sure they are safe and taken care of. But sometimes, kids need to fly on their own, maybe to visit their grandparents or attend a special event. When this happens, the airline and the parents work together to make sure the kid has everything they need to travel alone safely. The airline will have special rules and procedures to follow to make sure the kid doesn't get lost or confused on their journey. They might ask the kid's parents to fill out special forms with important information like emergency contacts, medications, and allergies. During the flight, the airline staff will help the kid find their seat, provide snacks and drinks, and check on them regularly to make sure they are doing okay. When the plane lands, the airline staff will make sure the kid is met by an adult who can take them to their final destination. It's important for unaccompanied minors to follow the airline's rules and listen to the staff so that they can have a safe and happy trip all by themselves.