ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dugout (shelter)

A dugout is like a secret little hideout in the ground where people can hide and stay safe. Imagine if you were playing hide and seek and you found a really cool hole in the ground that you could climb in and hide from everyone. A dugout is kind of like that, but bigger and usually made for more than just playing hide and seek.

People used to make dugouts a long time ago, especially when they needed a safe place to stay during dangerous times like wars or severe weather. They would find a hill or a slope in the ground and dig into it to make a little room. They would make the roof and walls out of logs or other materials they could find in nature to keep themselves warm and dry.

Inside the dugout, people would usually have a small bed to sleep on and a place to keep their food, water, and other belongings safe. They might even have a small fire to keep warm or cook food. Some dugouts were big enough for families to live in, while others were just meant for one or two people.

Nowadays, most people don't use dugouts as their main homes or shelters anymore because we have more modern buildings and technology to keep us safe. However, you might still see dugouts used as a cool place to hang out or play in, especially in parks or natural areas.