ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dummy head recording

Dummy head recording is a fancy way of recording sound that makes it feel like you're really there in the room with the people or things making noise. It's kind of like using your ears to listen, but with a special microphone that looks like a big fake head (hence, "dummy head").

Here's how it works: the dummy head has two microphones, one in each ear. When you record sound using these microphones, you get two separate tracks of audio that represent what each ear would hear if you were really there. Then, when you listen back to the recording wearing headphones, you hear the sound as if you're hearing it with your own two ears - things on the left side of the room sound louder in your left ear, and things on the right side of the room sound louder in your right ear.

This makes dummy head recording great for things like ASMR or virtual reality experiences where you want to feel fully immersed in the soundscape. It's like your brain is tricked into thinking you're actually there!