ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dummy variable (statistics)

A dummy variable is a special kind of variable that we use in statistics to help us understand the relationship between other variables. It's kind of like a helper variable that we create to make things easier to understand.

Let's pretend we are studying different colors of apples and how they affect how much people like them. We might ask people if they like red, green, or yellow apples. If we were to just look at the answers people gave us, it might be hard to know if people really like all three colors the same or if they have a preference.

This is where dummy variables come in. We can use them to help us understand if there is a preference for one color over the others. We would create a dummy variable for each color, which would have a value of 1 if someone said they liked that color and a value of 0 if they didn't.

Then, we could add up the number of responses that had a 1 for each color, and compare them. This would help us see if people really did have a preference for one color over the others.

So, in summary: A dummy variable is a helper variable that we create to help us understand the relationship between other variables. They are often used to understand preferences or patterns in data.