ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dunsmuir v New Brunswick

Dunsmuir v New Brunswick was a court case in Canada that had to do with a person named Mr. Dunsmuir who worked for the government of New Brunswick. Mr. Dunsmuir was not happy with some of the decisions made by his boss, so he went to a court to get help. The court had to decide whether Mr. Dunsmuir's boss followed the rules when making decisions or not.

The court had to decide what kind of decisions Mr. Dunsmuir's boss was making. They had to decide whether they were simple or “complicated” decisions. This is important because if the decisions were simple, the court would only have to look at the rules that Mr. Dunsmuir's boss was supposed to follow to see if he did things right. However, if the decisions were complicated, the court would have to look more closely at why Mr. Dunsmuir's boss made certain decisions.

In the end, the court decided that Mr. Dunsmuir's boss was making complicated decisions, and the court wanted to make sure that Mr. Dunsmuir's boss followed the rules and did things the right way. This is important because it helps make sure that people who work for the government follow the rules and make good decisions for everyone.