ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

EASA pilot licensing

Pilot licensing is like getting a special piece of paper that shows you know how to fly a plane. There is a group called EASA (pronounced ee-suh) that makes rules on how pilots can get this special paper.

To get the paper, you have to go to a special school called a flight school. At the school, you learn a lot of things about flying planes like how to take off, land, and navigate. You also learn about the different parts of the plane and what to do if something goes wrong.

Once you have learned all the things you need to know, you have to take a test to show that you know it all. You have to answer a lot of questions and show that you can actually fly a plane.

If you pass the test, you get the special paper that says you are a licensed pilot. You can then fly planes and take people on trips. But you have to follow all the rules and be safe when you're flying, or else you could get in big trouble.