ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

EMF measurements

If you have a battery, like the one in your remote control car, it creates something called "electromotive force" or EMF for short. This is like a push force that helps the electricity flow from the battery to make your toy car move.

But sometimes, we want to measure this EMF to make sure the battery is working properly. To do this, we use something called a voltmeter. It's like a special ruler that can measure the push force of the electricity in the battery.

When the voltmeter touches the battery, it can tell us how much push force or EMF is coming from the battery. If it's not enough, then we know the battery might need to be changed.

EMF measurements are important because they can tell us if something is working properly. Just like how we measure how tall we are with a ruler or measure how heavy something is with a scale, we can use a voltmeter to measure the push force in things like batteries.