EN 590 is a set of rules that tell people all around the world how to make diesel fuel, which is what helps some vehicles, like trucks and buses, go. It's a rule book that gives instructions on the kinds of stuff that can go into making the fuel, the colors the fuel can be, and how to test it to make sure it's safe and will work properly for the vehicles that use it.
Imagine that you're making something yummy like a cake, and you have a recipe book that tells you exactly how to make it. That's kind of like what EN 590 is for people who make diesel fuel. It tells them exactly what ingredients they can use and how much they need to put in to make sure that the diesel fuel is safe and will work right. And just like how you have to bake the cake for the right amount of time and make sure it's cooked all the way through, EN 590 helps people who make diesel fuel test it to make sure it's good enough for the vehicles that need it.