ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Early medieval European dress

Early medieval European dress was how people dressed in Europe a very long time ago. They didn't have fancy clothes like we do today, and they mostly had to make their own clothes at home.

For guys, they wore a tunic that was like a long shirt that went down to their knees or longer. They also wore trousers, which at the time looked more like leggings. They didn't have zippers or buttons like we do now, so they had to tie things together with laces or belts.

Girls also wore tunics, but their tunics were usually longer, and sometimes had fancy embroidery or decorations on them. They also wore long skirts that would go all the way down to their ankles or sometimes even the ground. Just like the guys they also wore laces or belts to keep things together.

When it was cold outside, people would wear an extra layer on top of their tunics called a cloak. This was like a big blanket that they could wrap around themselves to keep warm.

Most of their clothes were made out of wool, because it was easy to get and warm. They didn't have fancy colors or patterns like we do now, so their clothes were usually plain or just had a few simple designs.

Overall, early medieval European dress was simple and easy to make, but people back then still looked cool and stylish in their own way!