ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Economy of New York City

The economy of New York City is like a big piggy bank where people put in and take out money all the time. Lots of people have jobs in the city and they earn money, which is like putting money into the piggy bank. Businesses also make money by selling things like food, clothes, and toys, which is also like putting money into the piggy bank.

Sometimes, people who have money in the piggy bank take it out to pay for things they need or want. For example, they might buy a new toy for their child, pay their rent, or go on a vacation.

There are also some really big businesses in New York City, like banks and finance companies. These businesses help people invest their money and make more money over time. They also help people buy and sell things like stocks and bonds.

All of these things together make up the economy of New York City, which is basically like a really big piggy bank that lots of people and businesses put money into and take money out of all the time.