ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Edict of Expulsion

Okay, kiddo, I'm going to tell you about something called the Edict of Expulsion. This happened a long time ago in 1492 in a place called Spain. The king and queen of Spain at the time were called Ferdinand and Isabella.

Now, before this happened, there were lots of Jewish people living in Spain. They had been living there for a long time and had important jobs and were very involved in their community. However, Ferdinand and Isabella didn't like that some of the Jewish people had different beliefs than they did. They wanted everyone in Spain to be the same religion as they were called Catholic.

So, they made a law called the Edict of Expulsion (which is just a fancy way of saying "you have to leave"). This law said that all Jewish people had to leave Spain and go somewhere else. This was very hard for the Jewish people because Spain was their home and they had nowhere else to go.

Many Jewish people left Spain, but some stayed and pretended to be Catholic so they wouldn't have to leave. This was very dangerous because if anyone found out they weren't really Catholic, they could get in trouble.

It was a sad time for the Jewish people in Spain, but today, we remember this event and try to be kind to everyone no matter what their beliefs are.
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