ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Alhambra Decree

The Alhambra Decree was a law made by the leaders of Spain a long time ago. It was a rule that said that all the Jewish people who lived in Spain had to leave the country or become Christian. This made a lot of Jewish people very sad because they had to leave their homes and everything they knew behind. Some people even had to sell all their things and leave with only the clothes on their backs.

But why did the leaders of Spain make this rule? Well, they had lots of reasons, but one of the main ones was that they wanted everyone in Spain to believe the same religion. Back then, Spain was mostly Christian and the leaders didn't like having people who believed different things. They thought it would be easier if everyone was the same.

This rule was very unfair and caused a lot of pain and suffering for the Jewish people who had to leave their homes. It also caused problems for Spain because they lost a lot of important and talented people who were Jewish. Today, we learn about the Alhambra Decree to remember the importance of treating everyone fairly and respecting people who believe different things than we do.