Edupunk is a fancy name for a way of learning and teaching that is creative, do-it-yourself, and based on your interests. It's like building something with your LEGO blocks, but instead of following instructions step by step, you use your imagination and make something unique.
Imagine you want to learn about space and planets. Instead of sitting in a classroom and listening to a teacher talk, you might go on a space adventure all by yourself! You could read books, watch videos, make art, build models with paper and glue, talk with friends who also love space, or even create your own board games to teach others.
Edupunk is like being a scientist who explores new things and tries different approaches. It's about learning in a way that makes you happy and excited. You don't have to follow strict rules or do what everyone else is doing. You can mix and match materials, tools, and methods in any way that suits you.
So, if you hear someone talk about edupunk, don't be scared! It's just a way of saying, "Hey, let's learn together in a fun and creative way that's unique to us!"