ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Effects of climate change on mental health

Okay kiddo, let's talk about how climate change affects the way we feel inside. Remember how we learned in school about the Earth getting warmer? Well, that's happening because people are using a lot of energy that comes from burning things like oil and gas. That energy creates pollution that goes up into the air and stays there like a blanket.

Now, this blanket is causing all kinds of changes in the environment that we live in. It's making the air we breathe not as healthy, and sometimes making it hard to breathe at all. It's making the weather patterns all strange which can lead to things like floods, wildfires, and hurricanes. This can cause people to lose their homes or even their lives.

When these things happen over and over again, it can make people feel scared, anxious, and stressed out. They might feel sad or worried about what might happen in the future. It can be really tough for people to handle all of these big changes.

But, we can do things to help our mental health even when climate change is happening. We can take breaks from things like social media and news reports that make us feel worried. We can spend time with friends and family to feel connected to people who care about us. We can also learn about ways we can help the environment like riding bikes instead of driving cars and planting trees. Taking these kinds of actions can give us hope and make us feel like we're doing something to help the planet, and that can help us feel better inside.