ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eglon, Canaan

Eglon was a very important person a very long time ago in a place called Canaan. Canaan was a land where many different groups of people lived and it was known for being a very important part of the world back then.

Eglon was the king of a group of people who lived in Canaan and many other groups had to pay him tribute which means they had to give him money and other valuable things. He was a very rich and powerful man and his kingdom was called Moab.

However, Eglon was also a very mean king who did not treat people very nicely. One day, a man named Ehud who was from the Israelites, another group of people who lived in Canaan, had enough of Eglon's mean ways and decided to do something about it.

Ehud made a special sword and went to see Eglon pretending to have a message from a different king. When Eglon let his guard down, Ehud used the sword to kill him and ran away.

This was a big deal back then because it showed that someone from a smaller group could stand up to a big and powerful king like Eglon. It also helped the Israelites gain more power in Canaan and become more respected by other groups.

So, overall, Eglon was a powerful and mean king who ruled over Moab in Canaan, and Ehud was a brave man who stood up to him and helped the Israelites gain more power.