ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha is a special holiday for people who follow Islam, which is a religion practiced by millions of people all over the world. It's a time when families and friends come together to celebrate and give thanks to Allah (God) for all that they have.

Eid al-Adha usually falls at the end of the Hajj, which is a pilgrimage that many Muslims take to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. During this time, Muslims remember the story of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham in the Bible) and his son Ismail (Ishmael), who were both very devoted to Allah.

Prophet Ibrahim was asked by Allah to sacrifice something very important to him – his son Ismail. Ibrahim obeyed Allah's command and was about to sacrifice Ismail when Allah intervened and provided a ram for the sacrifice instead. This incident shows the immense faith that Ibrahim had in Allah's plan.

So, during Eid al-Adha, Muslims sacrifice an animal like a goat, sheep, or cow, which is then distributed to family, friends, and the needy. It's a way to show gratitude for Allah's blessings and also a way to give back to the community. It's important to note that the animal sacrifice is only done by those who can afford it.

Apart from the sacrifice, Eid al-Adha also involves prayers, exchanging gifts, and sharing meals with loved ones. The three-day celebration is a time of joy and happiness, and people often wear new or traditional clothes to mark the occasion.

In a nutshell, Eid al-Adha is a holiday to celebrate thankfulness, faith, and community, and it's a special time for people who follow Islam all over the world.