ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electoral fusion

Okay buddy, let's talk about something called electoral fusion. So you know how we have different political parties, like Democrats and Republicans? Well, sometimes in an election, a political party can team up with another political party and run a candidate together. This is called electoral fusion.

Here's how it works: let's say the Democrats and the Green Party decide to join forces in an election. They might agree to put up the same candidate and have them run under both parties. This means that a person can vote for that candidate on the ballot and their vote will count towards both parties.

So, if the candidate wins, then both parties will get credit for the win. It's kind of like when you and your friend team up to play a game - you both get credit for winning even though you worked together.

Electoral fusion is not used in every state, but it's used in some places to give voters more choices and allow smaller parties to have a bigger impact. It can be confusing because the same candidate might be listed multiple times on the same ballot, but it's just a way for different parties to work together towards a common goal.

That's the basic idea of electoral fusion. Does that make sense, kiddo?