ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electric arc

Okay kiddo, so an electric arc is kind of like a mini-lightning bolt that happens when there is a lot of electricity flowing through the air between two points. It can be seen in things like welding or when you turn on a light switch and there is a brief spark.

You know how you have to be careful around electricity because it can hurt you? Well, an electric arc is just that: a lot of electricity all in one spot.

Think of it like when you’re at the park and you slide down the slide really fast, creating a big whoosh of wind. In the same way, lots of electricity moving really fast creates a spark that we can see and feel.

Electric arcs are used in lots of different ways like welding metal together or cutting through tough materials like steel. But remember to always be careful around electricity and let grown-ups handle these things!
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