ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electric cart

An electric cart is like a toy car that you can actually ride in! Instead of needing petrol like a normal car, it runs on electricity - like a big battery that provides power to the motor. Just like when you charge your phone or tablet, you have to plug the electric cart into an electric socket to charge the battery.

The battery makes the wheels turn, and you can go forwards, backwards, or even turn if you twist the steering wheel. Just like when you ride your bicycle, you can use a pedal to make the cart go faster or slower. The electric cart is very helpful because it does not produce any pollution or bad smells like other kinds of cars. It is very safe, too, because it doesn't go too fast and it's easy to stop if you need to.

People use electric carts for many different things - like driving around a big store or warehouse to carry things, or just for fun on a sunny day! Sometimes it's even used by grownups in their neighborhoods to drive to the grocery store or visit a friend who lives nearby. Overall, an electric cart is a fun and eco-friendly way to get around!