ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electric susceptibility

Electric susceptibility is sort of like a way to measure how easily something can be affected by electricity. Imagine you have a toy car, and you want to make it move with a remote control. But some toy cars are easier to control than others. That's kind of like electric susceptibility!

When we're talking about electric susceptibility, we're usually talking about materials like metals or insulators (like rubber). Some materials are "more susceptible" to electricity than others. That means that they'll react differently when they're exposed to electric fields.

Basically, an electric field is just a fancy way of saying a bunch of electric energy all around something. This might happen when you turn on a light switch, for example. The energy from the electricity flows through the wires and into the light bulb, creating an electric field.

Now, let's say you have a piece of metal and a piece of rubber. If you put them both in an electric field, the metal will probably react more than the rubber. That's because the metal has a higher electric susceptibility than the rubber. It's more easily affected by the electric energy.

So, electric susceptibility just tells us how "responsive" a material is to electric fields. It's sort of like how some toy cars are easier to control with a remote than others!