ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electrical brain stimulation

So, our brains are like computers that run our body. They control everything we do and think! But sometimes our brains can get a little wacky and cause problems like headaches or depression.

That's where electrical brain stimulation comes in! It's like giving our brain a little electrical boost to help it work better. Scientists use a special machine to send small electrical pulses to different parts of our brain, like charging a battery.

Sometimes they use this to help people who have seizures or Parkinson's disease, because it can help control their symptoms. But sometimes they also use it for other things, like trying to improve memory or treat depression.

It might sound scary, but the electrical pulses are very small and most people don't even feel them. It's kind of like getting a little buzz from a tiny zapper.

So, that's electrical brain stimulation - giving our brains a little electrical boost to help us feel better!