ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electrostatic fieldmeter

An electrostatic fieldmeter is a tool that helps us measure how much electricity is hanging around in the air.

Just like how we get zapped sometimes when we touch a doorknob or another person, electricity can build up and hang around in the air. We can't see it or feel it most of the time, but it's there.

The electrostatic fieldmeter helps us measure this electricity by using a special device that can sense the electric charge. It has a little probe (kinda like a tiny antenna) that you wave around in the air like a magic wand.

When the probe gets close to something that has a lot of electricity built up, it beeps and shows a number on the display. This number tells us how much electricity is in the air at that particular spot.

So, the electrostatic fieldmeter is like a little helper that helps us find invisible electricity lurking around and tells us how much there is.
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