ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electroweak star

Okay kiddo, let me tell you a story about a very special type of star called an electroweak star. This star is very different from the ones you see in the sky at night.

You see, when stars are born, they create heat and light through a process called nuclear fusion. But with an electroweak star, the temperature and pressure are so high that something else happens. The protons and electrons inside the star combine to create a new particle called a W boson.

The W boson is special because it's like a messenger between particles that make up matter and the force that holds them together. In other words, it's like a superhero that helps keep everything in the star from falling apart. Without these W bosons, the particles in the electroweak star would break apart.

Now, these stars are pretty cool because they are powered by something called electroweak symmetry breaking. This is when the W bosons slow down and become heavy particles called Z bosons, while the force that holds the particles together becomes weaker. This releases energy that keeps the star shining.

But wait, there's more! The electroweak star is also special because it's made up of a special type of matter called quark matter. This is when particles called quarks are stuck together instead of being separate. Think of it like Play-Doh – when you squash it, all the colors mix together and are stuck that way.

So, to sum it up, an electroweak star is a very special type of star that has particles called W bosons that keep everything together, is powered by electroweak symmetry breaking, and is made up of quark matter. It's pretty cool, huh?